Funding for a Mitochondrial Symposium has been awarded to Dr Takehiro Yasukawa by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), London.
Together with several CfMR members (Prof. Sir Salvador Moncada, Prof. Michael Duchen, Prof. Mervyn Singer, Dr Gyorgy Szabadkai and Dr Josef Kittler) and Japanese scientists, Dr Takehiro Yasukawa, BBSRC David Phillips Fellow at the Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research has been awarded funding by the Symposium Scheme for Japanese Researchers Based in the UK from The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), London.
Only one award was made in this scheme in this year’s competition.
A symposium which will engage UCL and Japanese researchers, entitled “Mitochondria- from the Fundamental Aspects to Medical Importance” will be held on the UCL main campus on 10th February 2011.
More information on the symposium along with a flyer, can be found on our Meetings page

Mitochondrial Symposium funding awarded to Dr Takehiro Yasukawa by JSPS | UCL CfMR | Consortium for Mitochondrial Research